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Duet® Adulticide

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Weight N/A
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Application Method

Ground + Aerial ULV

Labeled Treatment Areas

Crop Tolerance, Residential Areas

IRAC Mode of Action

3A Pyrethroids/Pyrethrins

Active Ingredient

PBO, Prallethrin, Sumithrin

  • 双重活性成分引起独特的良性骚动,使休息的蚊子飞起来,杀死更多的蚊子
  • For use in residential, urban, industrial and recreational areas
  • May be applied over agricultural areas and pastures for the control of adult mosquitoes
  • Performs well in wide range of operational conditions, including cooler temperatures
  • Labeled for ground or aerial applications
  • Virtually odorless upon application with no lingering scent
  • Oil-based (Duet) and water-based (AquaDuet®) formulation options
  • 使用Duet的应用设备可以使用水和异丙醇或挡风玻璃清洗液的50/50混合物轻松清洁

Product Details

About Duet

Duet adulticide for mosquito control is a proprietary, oil-based formulation with two active ingredients – Sumithrin and prallethrin, both IRAC Class 3A pyrethroids. Sumithrin is the primary active ingredient, providing exceptional control, while prallethrin adds a fast knockdown advantage. Together, these two active ingredients cause “benign agitation,” or a unique, non-biting excitation of wild mosquitoes within a treatment area. 这提供了从休眠状态吸引蚊子的潜力,从而更好地控制自然种群. 经测试,二重奏可有效控制多种滋扰及传病的蚊种, including those that carry West Nile Virus, Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE), and Zika.

  • Benign agitation benefits allows for greater control
  • Effective at low application rates
  • Versatile for a range of operational conditions

Duet was developed by Clarke and introduced in 2006. 在美国各地的蚊子减少项目中,它已经成为中等到重度人群的首选产品. 公共卫生蚊虫控制项目在常规行动和紧急情况下同样依赖Duet, such as post-weather events and during mosquito borne disease outbreaks.

Duet还具有温度系数现象,可在较冷的温度下控制早期和后期应用. 它也可应用于农业地区,以控制这些地区内或附近的成蚊.

About Duet’s Active Ingredients

Duet的两种有效成分是Sumithrin和prallethrin,都是IRAC 3A类拟除虫菊酯. Sumithrin is the primary active ingredient, providing exceptional control, while prallethrin adds a fast knockdown advantage. Together, these two active ingredients cause “benign agitation,” or a unique, non-biting excitation of wild mosquitoes within a treatment area. causing more of them to come in contact with droplets and increase each treatment’s efficacy.

See this effect in action:

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Like all synthetic pyrethroids, these actives emulates the naturally derived, botanical insecticides, known as pyrethrins, found in chrysanthemum flowers.

科学家们开发了人工合成的拟除虫菊酯,以模仿菊花中天然存在的拟除虫菊酯的杀虫特性. The consistency and quantity of those natural extracts proved challenging, leading to a synthetic solution that provided more production and quality control.

In Duet and AquaDuet, Sumithrin and prallethrin are combined with a synergist, piperonyl butoxide (PBO), 提高产品快速杀灭和控制野生蚊群的能力.

Duet and the Environment


Duet In Sunlight

The active ingredients in Duet (Sumithrin and prallethrin) are photolabile, meaning the molecules break down easily in the presence of sunlight.  The degradation byproducts are also non-persistent.

Duet In Soil

After a Duet application, trace amounts of Sumithrin and prallethrin will bind to and remain in the soil, and will not transport further into plants, through the soil column, or become concentrated in the bodies of living things (bioaccumulation).

Duet in Water

Duet is applied in a manner that limits deposition in the treatment area, and applications will not pose a risk to healthy aquatic habitats. However, direct exposure to this product does present risk to some aquatic organisms. 请参阅产品标签,了解关注的特定生物体和旨在减轻非目标风险的应用说明.

Duet and Animals

The EPA has evaluated Duet and determined that using it according to label guidelines, in residential areas, including in and around gardens and over non-organic agricultural crop areas, does not pose a significant risk to people or animals. Duet has low mammalian toxicity.

Duet and Bees

Because of the manner in which Duet is applied and the time of day it is applied, treatments should not affect beneficial, pollinating insects, like bees and butterflies. Duet is applied in small droplets, which break down quickly in the environment. Since the product must hit a mosquito while it is in flight to have an effect, it is sprayed at night when mosquitoes are actively flying and when other insects, such as bees and butterflies, are not active.  Residues in treatment areas following application are not toxic.

Applying Duet

Duet贴有标签,可用于地面(卡车或亚视)的超低音量灭蚊应用。, by air, and through a backpack sprayer.  Optimized for performance through all standard ULV application equipment and nozzles, Duet is non-corroding to your application systems.  使用Duet的应用设备可以使用50/50的水和异丙醇或挡风玻璃清洗液的混合物轻松冲洗和清洁.

Its labeling for residential, urban, industrial and recreational use makes Duet a great choice for communities of all types. 二甲醚也可用于农业地区,以控制这些地区内或附近的成蚊. Duet is virtually odorless upon application with no lingering scent.

Duet is effective at very low application rates, with label rates ranging from 0.43 – 1.28 fl oz / ac. Depending on application rate, one gallon of Duet can treat 100 to 297 acres of land.

AquaDuet use rates vary.  Please see the product label(s) for complete application guidance.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Duet?
Duet is the name of a public health mosquito control product for controlling adult mosquitoes. It has two active ingredients: Sumithrin and prallethrin. 它们的配方是为了模仿菊花中被称为“除虫菊酯”的天然物质的杀虫特性. Duet was registered by the U.S. 帮助控制可能传播疾病或降低社区生活质量的成年蚊子的数量.

How is Duet applied to control mosquitoes?
Duet通过ULV设备应用,该设备将液体灭蚊产品转化为由微观液滴组成的超细喷雾云. The droplets are so small that more than 15 individual droplets could fit on the head of a pin.  这些小液滴可以在空气中漂浮很短的时间,这样它们就可以与飞行的蚊子接触. The droplet formulation is designed to penetrate the cuticle of the mosquito body, reaching and affecting its nervous system to knock it down and ultimately deliver mortality.

Can children and/or pets be outside during a Duet application? 
People and pets can be outdoors during a Duet application; there are no re-entry restrictions or limitations for Duet. Prior to registering a product, EPA会对产品进行彻底的评估,以确保对人体“无害的合理确定性”, animals and the environment from their use. 二重奏及其成分已通过EPA要求的严格测试,并已被批准用于户外住宅和娱乐区域以及其他类似区域的地面和空中应用.

How much Duet is typically applied to control mosquitoes?
二重奏的使用剂量极低——通常每英亩不到一盎司就可以控制成年蚊子的数量.  For easy reference, an ounce is about the amount of liquid a shot glass holds, and an acre is equivalent to approximately a football field.

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Rotating products and modes of action in your control program is responsible stewardship, aids in resistance management, and extends the useful life of all products.

portrait of Karen Larson
Karen Larson
Vice President Product Innovation & Government Affairs

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