
Give to Tomorrow®资助计划


Hga010皇冠软件下载的明日捐赠基金® 项目的捐款超过50万美元

自2015年以来, Hga010皇冠软件下载已经将其年度销售额的一部分拨给了非营利组织,通过“Give to Tomorrow”来推进环境事业® 补助计划. 宣布今年的获奖者, Hga010皇冠软件下载庆祝在过去的八年里通过这个项目捐赠了50多万美元的里程碑. The following 2022 grant winners are each receiving $15,000 to further the work they do locally and globally:

• Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana, New Orleans, LA
•Casa Vó Benedita,桑托斯,巴西
• The Nature Conservancy Virginia Reserve, Arlington, VA

“‘Give to Tomorrow’拨款项目是Hga010皇冠软件下载不断致力于使社区更宜居的重要组成部分, 安全舒适, and we’re proud to support the excellent work of these organizations,J说。. 莱尔·Hga010皇冠软件下载Hga010皇冠软件下载公司的总裁兼首席执行官.


Hga010皇冠软件下载“明日奉献”资助项目认可并支持那些努力重建家园的非营利组织, 维护和保障民生福祉, 环境, 野生动物和食物的生产或获取. 在Hga010皇冠软件下载的业务区域中,有资格的非营利组织是通过公司的销售代表提名的, and all Hga010皇冠软件下载 coworkers vote to select the grant recipients each year.

“We were surprised and grateful to be a recipient of the Give to Tomorrow grant,” stated Home for Life’s Director Lisa LaVerdiere. “这项奖励特别有意义,因为它是由Hga010皇冠软件下载的员工提名和投票选出的, and who were moved by Home for Life’s mission and programs.”

Learn More about the 2022 Give to Tomorrow Grant Winners


这个总部位于奥兰多的全球性组织致力于组织和提供可持续的资源和以水为重点的教育项目, 环境卫生, 为贫困人口提供卫生服务, 无家可归, 人道主义或自然危机.
“明日奉献”赠款资金将支持CWF在多米尼加共和国正在进行的工作,预计将改善近1人的卫生和健康状况,500个孩子. This grant will provide materials to build and maintain handwashing stations for up to six schools. 这笔资金还将帮助为学校提供教育材料,这些学校设有新的洗手站,以确保正确的卫生习惯. By encouraging behavioral changes on a grassroots level, the effects of these programs will be felt into the communities where the students live.

欲知详情,请浏览: http://cleantheworldfoundation.org/


The mission of the CFC is to protect and restore the Clark Fork River basin, 1400万英亩的流域排水超过28,000 miles of rivers and streams in western Montana and a portion of northern Idaho. 氯氟烃使用的是基于科学的, community-focused approach to ensure the waterways of the Clark Fork basin flow clear, 冷, 清洁和丰富, 现在和未来几代人.

欲知详情,请浏览: http://clarkfork.org/

CFC plans to use the grant funding for their “Bring Back the Bitterroot” initiative, 该项目专注于改善标志性的比特根盆地高优先级支流的生态条件. 具体地说, this grant will help improve instream habitat for wild and native trout, including weststlope cutthroat and threatened bull trout. Work includes increasing habitat complexity to help lower water temperatures and enhance water quality, 减少河岸侵蚀, 恢复溪流流量, 并确保在蒙大拿州日益炎热的天气中,能够进入凉爽的水源栖息地,作为拯救生命的“气候盾牌”, 干燥的夏天. 这些措施将有助于增强苦根河一些最重要的原生鱼类和其他野生动物栖息地的恢复力, 包括熊, 麋鹿, 驼鹿, 美洲狮, 猞猁, 鸣鸟, 猛禽, 海狸, 还有很多其他物种.


生命之家是残疾动物的避难所,在那里他们得到医疗照顾,并有一个马厩, 充满爱和安全的环境. 它们为那些可能因为年龄或特殊照顾需求而错过被收养的动物提供了挽救生命的选择,而这些是大多数收养者无法提供的.

Give to Tomorrow的资金将直接用于为那些需要特殊护理的动物提供兽医护理,这些护理是通过典型的救援或收容所无法获得的. “生命之家”项目中有10到20只动物将受到资助的积极影响.

欲知详情,请浏览: http://homeforlife.org/

Coalition to Restore Coastal Louisiana (CLCR), New Orleans, LA

从30年代开始, 2人以上,000 square miles of coastal wetlands have vanished, 转向开阔水域. 社区不得不重新安置, fisheries have been devastated and Louisiana’s rich culture is at risk. “恢复路易斯安那海岸联盟”一直是拯救路易斯安那海岸线运动的基本组成部分,该运动通过种植本地树木和草来帮助固定脆弱的土壤, 通过培训下一代沿海地区领导人,并倡导将为未来带来最佳结果的政策解决方案.

Give to Tomorrow赠款资金将用于支持修复项目的教育部分, 本地植物计划, 以及牡蛎壳回收计划. These programs use volunteers to plant native trees and grasses and to process oyster shell, then deploy the shell into the water to construct living shorelines. 作为这些项目的一部分, CRCL seeks to inform and educate volunteers about the causes of coastal land loss, the reasons why coastal land loss must be stopped and the solutions that are available. 他们学习了许多参与海岸恢复的方法,并与处于海岸土地流失前线的社区成员互动.

欲知详情,请浏览: http://www.crcl.org/

Casa Vó Benedita (CVB),桑托斯,巴西

Casa Vó Benedita是一个避难所,照顾因食品不安全而面临个人和社会风险的儿童, 放弃, 忽视, 虐待或孤儿. They provide a full-time home to children who do not have a safe living environment. 他们还提供项目,帮助重建和巩固需要额外资源和儿童保育帮助的家庭. 更多信息请访问http://casavobenedita.org.br/
The Give to Tomorrow funds will be used directly towards meeting the needs of sheltered children, children at CVB’s night care center and towards families in situations of social vulnerability. 额外的资金将对150多个家庭产生积极影响,共计750多名儿童和家长.

Nature Conservancy Virginia Reserve, Arlington, VA

The Nature Conservancy is a four-time winner of Hga010皇冠软件下载’s Give to Tomorrow grant. 他们的工作是保护如何帮助人类和自然社区适应并在面对气候变化时变得更有弹性的典范. 通过保护和保存未开发的屏障和Volgenau海岸的沼泽岛屿-东海岸最长的沿海荒野-自然保护协会弗吉尼亚海岸保护区有助于保护东海岸社区免受风暴潮和海平面上升的影响, 同时也提供了重要的野生动物栖息地.

欲知详情,请浏览: http://www.nature.org/en-us/about-us/where-we-work/united-states/virginia/stories-in-virginia/virginia-coast-reserve/


volunteer group for Great Lakes Alliance shoreline 清洁-up project

五大湖联盟是一个无党派的非营利组织,致力于保护该地区宝贵的资源:淡水, 五大湖清澈自然的水域. The Alliance for the Great Lakes connects and empowers people to advocate, 回馈社会,采取行动保护湖泊. This includes partnering with communities and decision makers to develop actionable solutions, empowering communities by providing action-oriented information and programs, and by guiding policy to protect the Great Lakes.

The Give to Tomorrow campaign will fund the continued efforts to provide safe, 清洁, affordable water to the 40 million residents who rely on the Great Lakes. This includes creating or strengthening policies at the local, state and national level to relieve water stressors from communities most in need. Such remedies include helping remove nearly 400,在芝加哥市有000条铅服务线路, reducing the flow of nutrient pollution into Green Bay or western Lake Erie, 或通过在布兰登道水闸实施的保护措施,阻止入侵鲤鱼进入湖区 & 大坝. All of these efforts will engage residents at the community level, and allow them a voice in shaping policies that provide healthy water outcomes.


Want to Nominate a Deserving Organization for a Give to Tomorrow Grant?

If you have a suggestion for a deserving non-profit organization in your community, recommend it for nomination through your local Hga010皇冠软件下载 sales representative. Find your local rep below if you don’t have their contact information handy already.
